Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Power of Thought : Water Experiment

Friends this is about my new blog, how your thoughts have the effect upon your own body and soul and why they are so powerful. An scientific prospective

This is about where the Super Science of "The Secret", "The Laws of Attraction" and "The Power of Thought" meets the Pure Science and its Proven by Quantum Physics...Recently I have seen a documentary on the connection between this connection of Quantum Physics to power of thinking through Water Molecule Structure Experiment ...Famously Known as Dr. Emoto Experiment..Many of you must have seen this..and those who are yet to..You gonna love this.

Few scientist were wandering whats in the Secret that changing peoples life and they try to evaluate it from Quantum Physics prospective. They study the molecular structure of the normal water and examine it and recorded the usual structure in their Lab. Then they ask a Buddhist monk to give love blessings to the water and they studied the structure of molecule and the structure looks like a flower. They were surprised with it and again they asked the monk to give Love+Gratitude and the molecular structure became more awesome and more beautiful flower. With this super excitement ... they ask him to give anger and when he gave anger..the Molecular structure distorted and became ugly even worst than its usual form. All of it was happening without any external force or any physical contact. Its the power of thought and mind that transform the molecular structure of water.

So imagine what all happening in this world.

If the single thought can change the molecular structure's of water then think of only one question, your body is 92% water and your brain is having 80% water, so imagine with your every thought how that water is changing. The way you are changing tour thought accordingly structure of your body, your mind and your soul is changing. Every time either you are getting happy or sad or grateful or anger what you are doing to yourself. Think of it.

If we give all our love & gratitude to every drop of water in our body and in turn if all body molecules become that Awesome flower, imagine what we can achieve and who we became.

There is nothing more powerful then our thought and our every thought has its first effect on the water we have in our body. So every time your bear a thought imagine what you are doing to you body and to your Life.
Its all in your thought, whether you bear that thought for yourself or for others its change every molecule in your own body and this is why Laws of attraction is not about others, but about you. Laws of attraction is Laws of You.

Choose the right thought and see everything changing like a miracle. That's why Einstein said "You can't create an Universe without mind entering into it"

Believe me all of you learn to choose your thoughts consciously and carefully to Live in Abundance.

There are 1000s of Video on this subject on YouTube, all of you can check and get amazed with the experiments.

My deepest gratitude to the scientist and the documentary for bringing this awesome experience to us and I hope all of you feel the power of your thought and choose the right one to transform every bit of your body molecule into the awesome creation of the Universe.

Thank You Universe. Thank You All My Friends. Remember Though Become Things, So Choose the good one.


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