Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Power of Thought : Water Experiment

Friends this is about my new blog, how your thoughts have the effect upon your own body and soul and why they are so powerful. An scientific prospective

This is about where the Super Science of "The Secret", "The Laws of Attraction" and "The Power of Thought" meets the Pure Science and its Proven by Quantum Physics...Recently I have seen a documentary on the connection between this connection of Quantum Physics to power of thinking through Water Molecule Structure Experiment ...Famously Known as Dr. Emoto Experiment..Many of you must have seen this..and those who are yet to..You gonna love this.

Few scientist were wandering whats in the Secret that changing peoples life and they try to evaluate it from Quantum Physics prospective. They study the molecular structure of the normal water and examine it and recorded the usual structure in their Lab. Then they ask a Buddhist monk to give love blessings to the water and they studied the structure of molecule and the structure looks like a flower. They were surprised with it and again they asked the monk to give Love+Gratitude and the molecular structure became more awesome and more beautiful flower. With this super excitement ... they ask him to give anger and when he gave anger..the Molecular structure distorted and became ugly even worst than its usual form. All of it was happening without any external force or any physical contact. Its the power of thought and mind that transform the molecular structure of water.

So imagine what all happening in this world.

If the single thought can change the molecular structure's of water then think of only one question, your body is 92% water and your brain is having 80% water, so imagine with your every thought how that water is changing. The way you are changing tour thought accordingly structure of your body, your mind and your soul is changing. Every time either you are getting happy or sad or grateful or anger what you are doing to yourself. Think of it.

If we give all our love & gratitude to every drop of water in our body and in turn if all body molecules become that Awesome flower, imagine what we can achieve and who we became.

There is nothing more powerful then our thought and our every thought has its first effect on the water we have in our body. So every time your bear a thought imagine what you are doing to you body and to your Life.
Its all in your thought, whether you bear that thought for yourself or for others its change every molecule in your own body and this is why Laws of attraction is not about others, but about you. Laws of attraction is Laws of You.

Choose the right thought and see everything changing like a miracle. That's why Einstein said "You can't create an Universe without mind entering into it"

Believe me all of you learn to choose your thoughts consciously and carefully to Live in Abundance.

There are 1000s of Video on this subject on YouTube, all of you can check and get amazed with the experiments.

My deepest gratitude to the scientist and the documentary for bringing this awesome experience to us and I hope all of you feel the power of your thought and choose the right one to transform every bit of your body molecule into the awesome creation of the Universe.

Thank You Universe. Thank You All My Friends. Remember Though Become Things, So Choose the good one.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Attract Your Dream Job ??? Where to Start ?? ..How to Apply LOA ???

Friends , recently many of our friends ask me about how to attract dream job or where to begin the quest for dream job through LOA. I replied many of them with the wisdom that The Universe has shown and then thought there must be many other group members seeking this answer, so I decided to put those ideas into words. Hope it may help many in manifesting their Dream Job and in fact I say the same process works for your Dream Relationship, Great Health, Miracle Healing and total happiness.

When you are ready to explore you dream job, when that desire comes in your heart …look ahead and say thank you to the Universe …you may ask why should I say thank you..I just thought of it now. Yes, my friend you should be thankful coz you completed the 1st step. You create the idea of Dream Job and this is where the process starts..if you never thought of it ..Then how come you get it. And it’s the beginning and I like to congratulate you coz it means The Universe is ready to bless u with your dream Job. From this moment say yourself..”everything is possible..Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!! I am destined for my dream job” (coz all of us destined for it )

Then your focus to be happy all the time and don’t take pressure or don’t create desperation to get your job. Stay Calm, Stay its yours..Like if you have a beautiful home to u get worried where shall I sleep u have this worry right… coz you know you have a beautiful home with a soft bed that give you goodnight sleep. Like this if u know you have a Dream Job why you should be worried for it. Stay calm, stay happy for it. Dream job only come when you are happy and relaxed and know you are destined for it. The day you be grateful for all you have and be happy believing that your dream job is on its way the very moment your magic start in the Universe.

Coz when you get happy for something even before you received it means You said to the Universe You Deserve it..if you are worried then you may be doubtful whether  you deserve it or not. So don’t doubt.
For this job… don’t be scared of competition or recession or anything, rather feel happy and said yourself every day is a great day, no matter which country you live in say “This is the land of opportunity and I am totally loving it and my dream job is here only and finding me”. “Now I am ready for it”. Whenever the thought come say this in your mind and let it penetrate to your soul. The more it penetrates the faster it comes.

Start taking action, made a visual of your dream job like decide on which profile you want to work on, which location, how much salary you want, which industry, if u like any particular company also you can choose, choose the designation if you know. Then write it down all this in you journal and create a vision board in a wall or on your laptop or on you vision book. Look at it every day and feel the magic being happy.

Also if you are in a current job and you don’t like it , then change your mood for current job also, say to your current job in heart “Hey my Current job you served me well till now, you made me pay my bills every month, but time has come to depart. My Dream Job has come for me and I like to say Thank You for keeping me employed till the last day. I hope you get a new amazing person who loves you immensely” and believe me when you talk to your current job like this all your negativity gone and you feel so relaxed and you strengthen your LOA infinitely. (You must be feeling relaxed reading this I am sure about it J )

And practice LOA religiously… Now everything is yours.
The Key is being happy in all the moment and being grateful for whatever you have and let everything changes miraculously.

I hope this would be great info for u, anything more u want to know, I am happy to help u out.
Have a Super Awesome Life with all the moment in happiness and its happening this moment in the Soul of The Universe.

Thank You Universe!!!
Thank You Everyone for Reading!!! God Bless You All!!!
-Awesome AJ

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Making Choices at Cross-Road of LIFE

Friends I would like to Share what I believe about Making Choices at Cross-Road of LIFE :

Always remember at the  Cross-Road of Life ..You have always left with only Two Choices.

One is what all other said  and support in the name of  logic, being practical or being normal or what usually every one does or out of experience ...if u choose this path u live being a Normal any one around u and till death u will be asking why this is always happened to me..why other fulfill their desire but not me..why I didn't get my dream job ..why i didn't found true love..why i didn't have all d money to enjoy..why i didn't have a beautiful home..why cant I find an awesome wife or husband ..why not awesome kids born to me..why I always stuck-up in one place when all the people travel the world or the best places they want.....and u keep asking untill one day die like a Normal Human..

There is the Other way..which doesn't based on any logic, which doesn't based on any real experience..which doesn't listen to anyone else ..but to the Inner YOU..its based of the True Belief of your Heart and based on Your Faith on the Lord and its takes you to create True Miracle of Life... This is the Path Less Followed..coz when this path followed by cant let yourself to be a Normal Human..the very moment u choose this path You transform yourself to be someone else..You become a SUPER-HUMAN..

At the moment u have these two-choices of being a Normal Human or being a Super-Human...There may be 1000s of people laugh at you, make fun of you..when you choose the  extra-ordinary path..but never get worried ..Coz U are taking the Leap of Faith..U r Believing in the Universe and U are taking Ur Soul for the purpose of Life...may be those 1000 people are so ignorant that they couldn't understand U..never get angry on them ..never get disappoint with their view..rather look for that 1 Person in 1000 who believe on u..and why he or she Believe on You..he or she must have known the way ahead in this road of less traveled.. filled ur heart and soul there is one person believe in you..and that's all u needed.

So Friends All of us reach such cross-road in Life and when U reach there.... Choose the second path..If U need someone to Believe on You ..and couldn't find anyone..Then Its me..Who always believe on everyone who follow their Dreams. ...and when U take this path ..and follow it through end..a day will come when all those 1000 people around u say ..OMG how he or she did it...he or she was just like one of us some time back or few years back ..but how he or she have all the abundance and why not we....But it wasn't that moment of Future when It will be decided what u got and what they ..but it was in that moment of Present of past when U choose the road which set all the difference between a Normal Human and A Super-Human Called "YOU"

Friends those who goes through this ..must have the feel ..I always believe in this wisdom and share with people who discuss with me about Dreams..I was think to put down in words for sometime..but Today did this.

Hope all of u Love reading this one...

Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank YOU!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Friend I found this valuable article on net and love to share with all of you.Hope many of you find this useful and better be in using your INTUITION.

You may or may not realize that preparation and intuition are actually linked. By preparing properly we strengthen our intuitive abilities. Yes, intuitive abilities. Intuition, like any other mental aspect can be developed and trained.

Intuition does not come from pixie dust, indigestion, or any other coincidental happening. It is developed directly from five of the 7 Elements of Personal Choice; vision, purpose, awareness, gratitude, and forgiveness. By intentionally developing these elements, our subconscious works to bring things to our conscious that we would otherwise miss.

Want to train your intuition? Good, because otherwise all of these notes would go to waste. Here we go.

Develop your vision. The question I begin everyone with is, “What do you want your life to look like?” Answer the questions with as much detail and emotion as you possibly can. An wise person mentions the importance of this step too.

"Paint in your mind the most grand vision where you want to go in life. Prepare. Trust in, and execute on your intuition. And don’t get distracted by life’s potholes."

Your vision serves as the destination and helps your subconscious to feed you intuitive nudges that keep you on track for the destination.

Understand your purpose. Knowing where you want to go is vital, but not the only thing needed. Why you are traveling to the destination is vital to a good trip. , it’s the trip itself that ultimately matters.

"Let your joy be in your journey, not in some distant goal."

Knowing why, your purpose, gives us indicators as to which way to travel. New York to L.A. is a big trip, but why are you going? If it’s to have a meeting and you need to get there as quick as possible, you’ll choose the fastest path. If it’s to see everything you can in between the two, you’ll choose the most scenic path. Same destination, hugely different trips.

Stay aware. Life happens. Have you noticed? One major key to training our intuition is steadily reminding ourselves of where we are going and why. It’s easy to get distracted and so far off course that the noise of the world drowns out the intuitive.

Another advantage awareness brings is quick action. By keeping our vision and purpose fresh and alive, we can evaluate intuitive urges more quickly and jump with less hesitation. You may actually find opportunities that aren’t in your original vision, but because you are aware, you’ll see that they serve your purpose better. Seize it!

Live in gratitude. One of the biggest killers of intuition and life in general, is how closed off we can be emotionally. No matter how many good things come at us, we can’t accept them because we don’t have any room. Our capacity is limited.

The best way to increase our capacity for more of what we want is to be grateful for what we have. It sounds simplistic, but the truth often is. Do you want more to be grateful for? Then find gratitude for what you have.

Bathe in forgiveness. One of the biggest reasons that most people don’t honor and take advantage of their intuition.

"I know of no one who has achieved something significant without also in their own lives experiencing their share of hardship, frustration and regret. So, don’t believe that something in your past prevents you from doing great work in the future."

Your past is done…can’t touch it. If you’ve failed, fallen short, or completely screwed up in the past, your job is to pull the lesson and forgive yourself. If someone else has been a wet-blanket to your fire, forgive them and move on. There are thousands of stories about conquering past adversity. You can be one of the stories people tell or one of the people others tell those stories to. Your choice.

Late addition. I’m going to throw in a sixth element as well. Action! When you train your intuition and it gives you an amazing insight, reward it with action. Do the work! Great insights and opportunities that aren’t acted upon become regret and tragedy.

“For all of us , intuition is not a substitute for rigorous thinking and hard work, it is simply the lead-in. We never take shortcuts. We attend to every detail. We follow where curiosity leads.”

It seems that in good hands and I hope the idea of intuition gives you a boost toward making more of your every day. Life is calling you to adventure… pack every tool you have and go see what’s waiting.

Thank You Universe!!!

Thank You,

Monday, August 27, 2012

Magical Power of Blessings

No matter how many good deeds you do or the many profound and intelligent thoughts you have or words you may say, what people will remember most about you is how you made them feel. If you really want to be loved by others, it is helpful to learn ways to make others feel good. Learning how to give blessings is a powerful means to transform your world and the world of others. When you say their name and give them a blessing in a sincere, loving way you both fall into love—dissolved into the universal heart, your own true eternal being. Uttering the name of someone gives you tremendous power. Most people can’t help but respond when their name is called. When you daily give blessings to specific people, over time you can transform those people and yourself in into holy beings.

The best way to offer blessings to others is anonymously, because then you don’t run the risk of inflating your ego, which could happen if you were to give the blessings in person. Also it would probably prove to be an impossible task if you were to actually contact people “in person” or even by phone or email to bless them. But since they live inside of you anyway, the most direct means to contact them is to go within your own mind and heart to connect to them.

There is great power in giving blessings, not just for the recipient of the blessings, but also for the one giving the blessings—you! To bless someone is to enchant them. Through the act of blessing, unconditional love is transmitted energetically from one body to another. By blessing another you can transform them into an angel-like holy being. When you give a blessing you become a channel for Divine love, and because the blessing has to come through you first, you also become blessed in the process.

Express Your Blessings Wholeheartedly!!! And Receive it Abundantly!!!



Friends many a times you get the feeling of getting stuck-up,hit steadiness, no movement of dreams, no sign from Universe, no blessing from God and you ask yourself why this is happening ??? Then you said yourself, I am practicing Secret, Gratitude, LOA, worship, everything I am doing but why nothing is working ..and u keep of asking Why? Why? Why? and then think of Giving Up...If its happens to you often then realize that You are only Stuck-Up in a Traffic Of Life nothing else.Wait for sometime , stay calm, have patience and u will enjoy superb ride of road ahead beautifully.

On road ...Many a times we got stuck-up in traffic with so many vehicle and people all around time there are certain bypass and narrow escape that take us through an alternative and we escape and we said to our self ..oh how lucky I am finally i took my escape from it.. and that happens in life too...

But then certain instances..when u get so stuck up that u don't have any other option, no alternative , no going back, no other option. You left with only option of waiting to get it clear and that's what life throws at you many a times. In that traffic many ppl got impatience, many got irritated but very few stay calm express gratitude to God and wait for the lights to turn green they are the few knows no matter how long its takes ..once it get clear the road will be empty and they drive their vehicle with full speed to destination.

But when we meet the same situation of life...many of us wanna Gave Up...but think of it from the road traffic matter how much time its takes do u ever left your bike or car in that road and go back...may be u think of it but you never really do when u stuck up in life... u should never Give Up..and never leave ur Vehicle too becoz in this road of life Your Gratitude, Your LOA and Your Dreams are your Vehicle of moving to your destination...

So friend ..if you are stuck-up ..just think its the waiting time God is giving you.. nothing keep your engine on, fuel with Gratitude, Patience, Calmness and ready to move fast on the Road of your dreams once its get cleared.




Tuesday, August 14, 2012


(Friends I Like to Share another of my writing ..Hope this may show you some light on why or why not your manifestation are happening)

Friends, all of us know very well ...from the moment we introduced to the Laws of Attraction...We are applying or trying to apply LOA into manifestation of Dreams.
Most of you must be practicing positive affirmation or Visualization or Vision Board or Gratitude Journal or Meditation or reading of Secret, Power & Magic Book again and again or watching the Secret DVD and many of such activities together.

If you are doing any of it or many of it, then rest assured you are on the right path. But the moment you loose the practice you put yourself into a different state. Recently I observed many people are falling apart after practicing Secret for a brief time frame, they are either hit a plateau or feeling stagnant in life. So I am sharing this thought of mine with all of you.

Always remember there are 3 kind of people.

The 3rd Kind: The Pessimistic Kind

This is the one who doesn't believe in good things of life, they always believe that life is tough, full of pain and negativity. These people are negative, create negative situations for themselves and others . They make everyone believe the situations only get tougher ahead. They get angry or worried or cry very often on their destiny. And You must be meeting many such people around you every now and then.

Always remember these people disrespect the power of God & the Universe. They never believe in their own power neither believe on others and try to influence all around with them with their negative energy. 

What they got in life ?? A life long sorrow , anger, frustration and failure. And they try to made other believe life is all about pain and failure.

The 2nd Kind: The Realistic or The Trying On-Off Kind

This kind of people wanna make their life better. So they read Holy texts, Read Secret, Magic , watch Secret DVD or many such books on LOA of Universal Wsdom. The moment they watch, hear or read of all such resources, they felt "Yeh!!! I can change everything" they get their heart and soul filled with so much of energy and optimism..that they believe they can make all their dreams possible. They keep thinking about this for few days..even at the initial stage they manifest many small or big things or dreams too...

But then as time passes..they forget to follow what all dis text says to do ..they stop being optimist, practicing gratitude , good work for others , appreciation of the life of their own and others ..they stop loving themselves....Eventually they don't do any of them and expect change..after couple of days or weeks they found nothing is happening.... that's when they start getting frustrated saying nothing works... nothing is happening all this wisdom are false..they again go back to sorrow.....

Many a times after a month or so again they hear their inner voice and they tried again ..gain some success...but never truly they keep on and off from happiness...and usually they fufill the dreams that they think small and failed in the one they think big..coz they forget for Universe everything is same and to be truly abundant its a continuous practice.

The 1st Kind: The Super Optimist or True Believer Kind

Then came this kind of matter how bad situation they face in their past matter how tough they travel on d journey of matter how many times they failed in the quest of success and happiness..once they introduced to the secret, to the wisdom of holy text, to the soul of Universe, to LOA..... they tighten their belt and take the 1st step with the Blind Believe and then the next and the step never stop.

These people resolved to make every day count and transform every day into a day filled with Happiness & Joy. These are the people who practice gratitude, visualization, meditation, appreciation, loving self and they do any of them or many of them, and only thing they make sure is they count everyday towards the road of optimism, gratitude and a truly blissful life for ever. They Believe that its a Magical Life and it can be lived by blind believing on the Universe. They know only what they want.they never ask How or why or from where?? Coz they Trust the Soul of The Universe in Total Believe.

These people became the favorite child of God..they became WINNER , they became HEALER , they became HEALTHY, WEALTHY & WISE, they PROSPER....while others wonder how they do it...... many others said they are only lucky in life..

These few knows that every day of journey counts and knowing this they truly value the Gift of God ..and they destined to live in Total Blissfulness..

So Friends ..I know none of you are of the 3rd kind ...Certainly You are of the 1st Kind ..and if at all you are struggling being in the 2nd kind....The Times has come to resolve to be in the 1st kind to live a life of total blissfulness and to become the favorite child of God.

Its what You Practice Everyday Counts. So give wings to you Faith on Yourself , on The Universe and On God an create a life of everyday Miracle. Knowing you are here to live in abundance and let the "How" or "Where" or "when" handled by the Greater Power.

If you want to know whats the worst way of practicing The Secret or LOA, then I say it loud "Not Practicing it Everyday"

Thank You Universe!!

Thank You all my friends for reading it.