Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Friend I found this valuable article on net and love to share with all of you.Hope many of you find this useful and better be in using your INTUITION.

You may or may not realize that preparation and intuition are actually linked. By preparing properly we strengthen our intuitive abilities. Yes, intuitive abilities. Intuition, like any other mental aspect can be developed and trained.

Intuition does not come from pixie dust, indigestion, or any other coincidental happening. It is developed directly from five of the 7 Elements of Personal Choice; vision, purpose, awareness, gratitude, and forgiveness. By intentionally developing these elements, our subconscious works to bring things to our conscious that we would otherwise miss.

Want to train your intuition? Good, because otherwise all of these notes would go to waste. Here we go.

Develop your vision. The question I begin everyone with is, “What do you want your life to look like?” Answer the questions with as much detail and emotion as you possibly can. An wise person mentions the importance of this step too.

"Paint in your mind the most grand vision where you want to go in life. Prepare. Trust in, and execute on your intuition. And don’t get distracted by life’s potholes."

Your vision serves as the destination and helps your subconscious to feed you intuitive nudges that keep you on track for the destination.

Understand your purpose. Knowing where you want to go is vital, but not the only thing needed. Why you are traveling to the destination is vital to a good trip. , it’s the trip itself that ultimately matters.

"Let your joy be in your journey, not in some distant goal."

Knowing why, your purpose, gives us indicators as to which way to travel. New York to L.A. is a big trip, but why are you going? If it’s to have a meeting and you need to get there as quick as possible, you’ll choose the fastest path. If it’s to see everything you can in between the two, you’ll choose the most scenic path. Same destination, hugely different trips.

Stay aware. Life happens. Have you noticed? One major key to training our intuition is steadily reminding ourselves of where we are going and why. It’s easy to get distracted and so far off course that the noise of the world drowns out the intuitive.

Another advantage awareness brings is quick action. By keeping our vision and purpose fresh and alive, we can evaluate intuitive urges more quickly and jump with less hesitation. You may actually find opportunities that aren’t in your original vision, but because you are aware, you’ll see that they serve your purpose better. Seize it!

Live in gratitude. One of the biggest killers of intuition and life in general, is how closed off we can be emotionally. No matter how many good things come at us, we can’t accept them because we don’t have any room. Our capacity is limited.

The best way to increase our capacity for more of what we want is to be grateful for what we have. It sounds simplistic, but the truth often is. Do you want more to be grateful for? Then find gratitude for what you have.

Bathe in forgiveness. One of the biggest reasons that most people don’t honor and take advantage of their intuition.

"I know of no one who has achieved something significant without also in their own lives experiencing their share of hardship, frustration and regret. So, don’t believe that something in your past prevents you from doing great work in the future."

Your past is done…can’t touch it. If you’ve failed, fallen short, or completely screwed up in the past, your job is to pull the lesson and forgive yourself. If someone else has been a wet-blanket to your fire, forgive them and move on. There are thousands of stories about conquering past adversity. You can be one of the stories people tell or one of the people others tell those stories to. Your choice.

Late addition. I’m going to throw in a sixth element as well. Action! When you train your intuition and it gives you an amazing insight, reward it with action. Do the work! Great insights and opportunities that aren’t acted upon become regret and tragedy.

“For all of us , intuition is not a substitute for rigorous thinking and hard work, it is simply the lead-in. We never take shortcuts. We attend to every detail. We follow where curiosity leads.”

It seems that in good hands and I hope the idea of intuition gives you a boost toward making more of your every day. Life is calling you to adventure… pack every tool you have and go see what’s waiting.

Thank You Universe!!!

Thank You,